AAMC official CARS question pack. is it really this hard.

Boost your MCAT score by 12 points or more.

So I am about 2 weeks out from taking my mcat (sept 3), and have been doing TPR's practice exams for prep. I have been scoring around 126-7 on their CARS section, and numerous people have told me that TPR's CARS is wayyy harder than AAMC's would be on the real deal. Anyways, I bought the AAMC's official guide and completed the 6 practice CARS passages they provided, and was happy with my score (~90%). Yesterday, I tapped into the 'AAMC official Qpack' for CARS (pack 1), and am astonished at how difficult the 6 passages I have done so far are. I averaged around 65% for the first 6 passages in pack 1, and the questions are structured SO MUCH DIFFERENTLY than how the OG's questions were. I mean honestly, about 4/6 of the passages I did seemed like the horribly convoluted philosophy passages you hope you will never actually get.

Is this really representative of how the new MCAT's CARS section is? I am really freaking out now, because of how poorly I have done on the qpack (supposed to be the best? prep from AAMC).