Referral to the Registration Committee

An application for registration will be referred to the Registration Committee if there are concerns as to whether the applicant has satisfied the requirements for registration or if there may be a reason to impose terms, conditions or limitations on the certificate of registration. Examples of applicants who are referred to the Registration Committee are:

The Registration Committee generally meets once every six weeks to review referrals; however, may meet more frequently if required.

The Registration Committee will typically review an application referral at the next available meeting of the Committee and may require the applicant to submit additional documentation or be interviewed before rendering a decision.

The Registration Committee will review referrals with reference to CCO regulations and policies. The following chart outlines the typical requirements for registration for various applicants:

In rendering a decision, the Registration Committee may:

Additional information that is typically requested may include:

The Registration Committee may require the applicant to complete requirements for registration if not already completed, which may include:

Please see the referral to registration flowchart for further information.

An applicant may access their registration records and relevant information at any time during the review process for no fee. Please contact Ms Madeline Cheng, Registration Coordinator (

An applicant may request a review of a decision of the Registration Committee by the Health Professions Appeal and Review Board (HPARB). An applicant has 30 days following a decision of the Registration Committee to request a review by HPARB.

Re-entering the General Class of Registration

The Registration Committee also reviews applications from applicants who are re-entering the General (i.e. active) class of registration.

Please see Policy P-053 for more information about this process.